Testimonial – A Reason to Give: “I should have been dead several times over,” a young homeless woman staying at Christian Shelter told us. “I was hooked on morphine, cocaine, acid, high all the time. I was in a car that crashed and ended up wrapped around a tree. My life was spared by some miracle. I didn’t know why until I came to Christian Shelter. I found out in your Devotions – it was God. I never knew God loved me that much. Now I know He’s got a purpose for me, and I’m gonna do it. I never miss your Devotions, even when I have to work and don’t get back to the Shelter ‘til 7:30, I’ll go in for the last part. God’s always got something for me that I need to hear.”
GIVING TUESDAY – A One Day National Campaign with a Local Internet Platform to make it possible for those who have, to “give back” to those who are serving, those who have not, to let them know you care.
On “GIVING TUESDAY,” December 1, 2020, you are invited to focus your year-end giving on specific nonprofit agencies (e.g., Christian Shelter) in our community that serve the hurting poor and homeless, by making a special financial gift on One Special Day, in your own home or office, on your own computer, in one “fell swoop.”
The internet platform is provided and managed expertly by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore. The name of the platform you go to is www.shoregivesmore.com. Christian Shelter is on the list of agencies for which your gift can be designated. A gift of $44.25 will provide a clean, safe family room with comfortable beds, a bathroom with shower, food, clothing, practical and spiritual guidance for a homeless family for one day. For $309.75 they are able to stay in that room for a whole week, and for $1,239.00 for a month, about the time it will take Mom to find work and a permanent home.