What to Expect Upon Admission to the Shelter
If you are an adult (18 years or older) experiencing homelessness in the lower eastern Shore area (Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester, Dorchester counties in MD or lower Delaware) and you need a safe place to sleep and access to meals, showers and basic support services, your FIRST STEP is to contact the Christian Shelter either by phone 410-749-5673 or by coming to the shelter at 334 Barclay Street in Salisbury, MD.
What Happens at the Shelter?
You will meet with a staff member and complete an intake assessment. Based on the information gathered through the intake process, you may be assigned to a room or a dorm area of the shelter and given the opportunity to work for up to 30 days with staff and volunteers who can refer you to local service providers depending on your needs.
House Rules
The Christian Shelter Incorporated (“Shelter”) is a Christian facility and is focused on “Christ Preeminent” in all things. All guests are expected to cooperate with staff, volunteers, and other guests by practicing Christian principles. To maintain the safety and welfare of all guests, staff, and volunteers, these rules must be abided by. Disregarding any of these rules is cause for dismissal from the Shelter.
- Clothing: Guests are only allowed to bring 7 days of clothes. At checkout, guests must take their clothes with them. Decent and appropriate clothing/attire shall always be worn. Inappropriate clothing/attire such as tank tops, halters, short-shorts, or pajamas are NOT permitted. This includes hallways and “common” areas utilized by men and women. Exception: Pajamas may be worn to bed in dorm at “lights out” time.
- Departure Planning: Since we are a temporary shelter, immediate plans must be made to resolve your crisis.
- Within two (2) weeks of your check-in date, you must have steady means of paid employment, or provide evidence of a diligent daily search for such employment; or provide a specific, reasonable, and achievable plan for obtaining stable housing.
- If you have a job, you must inform the Shelter of your work location and schedule, also, if a lunch is required for each workday.
- Morning Expectations: You are expected to arise when awakened, promptly attend to necessary hygiene needs, and be ready for breakfast by 7am. Beds are to be made daily and neatly. Your assigned area is to be kept clean and neat. Each guest is expected to always maintain a high level of personal and area cleanliness.
- Daily Duties: Daily tasks will be assigned to each guest. Morning tasks must be completed by 8:30 AM. Nightly tasks must be completed by 9:00 PM. A positive, appreciative attitude is desired when performing your assigned tasks. Please read the list of duties posted on the board.
- Daily Exit from the Shelter. Guests are not required to exit the Shelter every day, but guests are expected to promptly pursue their agreed upon “entrance plan” steps to improve their situation. Guests should be daily pursuing these steps, including: Housing, Employment, Social Services, Transportation, Obtaining Identification Cards, Meeting with agents of the Court, or otherwise taking steps to achieve the “entrance plan” goals agreed to during Intake to the Christian Shelter, or other goals subsequently mutually agreed upon with the Administrator or Executive Director. Guests who are not daily pursuing steps to achieving their “entrance plan” goals will be asked to leave the Shelter.
- Devotions: Devotions are mandatory. Morning Devotion begins at 8 AM and Lunch Devotion begins at 12:30 PM every day and Evening Devotions are held every evening at 6:45 PM. Sunday morning Devotions are at 10:00 AM.
- Lateness and missing devotions will not be tolerated.
- You may attend a Christian Church of your choice for Sunday morning worship, but a church bulletin for that morning service signed by the pastor of that church must be returned to this office as proof of attendance.
- A guest desiring to attend a Christian Church meeting during a scheduled Shelter devotions period must request permission of Shelter Administrative staff in advance of attending any such meeting. The Special Event Escort Instructions shall apply in all such cases.
- Family Rooms: Guests may be required to vacate a family room without prior notice if the room is either being utilized by a single person(s) or a smaller family in a room meant for a larger family—and the larger family becomes a guest of the Shelter. Another Family Room will be provided if a smaller family must be moved to make room for the larger family.
- Accessible Rooms: The Day Room, Dining Hall, and your assigned sleeping quarters are the only rooms you are allowed access to. Access to any other rooms in the shelter is only permitted if Shelter/Office Staff has.
- Directed a guest to access, or
- Given a guest permission to be in any other area within the Shelter.
- And permission has not expired. The staff/office permission is temporary and expires the same given day at curfew.
- Shelter: If you meet all the expectations and follow all the rules as outlined, you are permitted to stay at this Shelter for up to ninety (90) days. Once you leave the Shelter, you are prohibited from re-admission for a term of six (6) months. Unless approved by the Administrator and Executive Director
- Bedtime: All guests and families are expected to be in their rooms and in bed promptly at 9:00 PM, unless they are working
- Curfew: Curfew for all guests who are NOT WORKING a night shift is 9:00 PM. Exceptions to this curfew must be authorized in writing by the Shelter’s Executive Director.
- You must be inside the Shelter by 9:00 PM.
- All rooms are self-contained and alarmed.
- Doors are locked, and those who are not inside by curfew, unless working, will not be allowed in.
- Anyone not in by curfew will be automatically checked out and cannot be re-admitted unless the Executive Director chooses to reverse the decision. Once you leave or are checked-out for curfew violation or any other reason, there is at least a six (6) month waiting period to return.
- Guests that are listed as a DNA (DO NOT ADMIT), the DNA status must be approved by the Administrator or Executive Director. Future readmittance of a DNA guest must be approved in writing by the Administrator or Executive Director. Written approval for readmittance is to be kept in the guest’s file.
- Alcohol and Drugs: Use of alcohol and drugs (including medical marijuana), other than prescription drugs prescribed specifically for you by a licensed independent practitioner, are expressly prohibited.
- Use of alcohol or drugs (including recreational marijuana) not prescribed to you will result in immediate dismissal from the shelter property.
- Guests understand that staff may administer a random alcohol and/or drug test at any time the staff deems appropriate.
- Failure to comply with an alcohol and/or drug test may result in immediate dismissal from the shelter property.
- Medical Marijuana – Any guests prescribed medical marijuana must submit documentation. Medical Marijuana that is inhaled by smoking or vaping is prohibited on Shelter property. Medical Marijuana taken orally such as edibles or pills must be approved by the Administrator or Executive Director and secured and administered as described in the prescription drug section of these house rules.
- Children: In all areas of the Shelter, children are expected to be under the control and supervision of their parent(s) or legal guardian. Children are not to be left in the care of staff members or guests at any time for any reason.
- Children should be in the bedroom area by 9:00 PM.
- If a child is in truant status due to excessive absenteeism or not regularly attending school, their parents will be required to go to parental classes or counseling.
- Visitors: We welcome all visitors. Upon entering the shelter, visitors must present themselves at the office to be greeted by staff.
- Visitors are allowed to stay for one (1) hour. Visitors are welcome to attend nightly devotions.
- Visitors are required to be respectful of devotions leaders, be courteous to guests, and obey directives and instructions from staff members.
- Visitors are NOT allowed in the sleeping dorm areas at any time.
- Guests are responsible for the behavior of their visitor(s).
- Families: Guests who are husband and wife must provide a true copy of a valid marriage license upon checking in to the shelter. If they cannot present a true copy of their marriage license, then they must present a valid form of identification (state driver’s license) that displays their marital name.
- Marriage, Gender, and Appropriate Behavior: Christian Shelter operates on a strongly held belief that the marriage relationship has been established by God as a union between one man and one woman. (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:31). Christian Shelter further holds that, in accordance with Scripture, sexual intimacy and sexual activity is appropriate only within the marriage relationship, between one husband and one wife. (I Corinthians 7:2; Hebrews 13:4). Christian Shelter believes God has created two distinct and complementary genders, male and female, and each person is created in accordance with God’s perfect design (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4). Accordingly, Christian Shelter views the following behaviors as inappropriate and contrary to Scripture:
- Any sexual intimacy or sexual act between individuals who are not married to one another.
- Any marriage or civil union that is not between one man and one woman.
- Any attempt to adopt or present as a different gender than that assigned at birth.
- Any other activity, teaching, or behavior that is contrary to a biblical view of marriage, gender, and/or appropriate behavior as outlined in this provision. All guests of Christian Shelter and all individuals involved in Christian Shelter operations, activities, and events are expected to uphold the ministry’s perspective on marriage, gender, sexual intimacy, and appropriate behavior as set forth in this provision. Individuals and organizations who desire to use Christian Shelter facilities must also act in accordance with this provision.
- Inappropriate Contact: Respecting one another is a value that the Christian Shelter takes very seriously. Any bodily contact not essential to the conduct of normal daily activities, between and among unmarried persons of the same or opposite sex, either in the Shelter or on Shelter grounds is strictly forbidden. Inappropriate public displays of affection between married couples, involving physical contact, should be confined to inside the Family Room locations. Guests who are not married need to refrain from any type of inappropriate contact within the Christian Shelter.
- Guests and staff members may NOT carry or have in your possession or on your person at any time any weapon such as guns, knives, and any other item(s) that can be used or construed as a weapon. If you arrive at the Shelter with a weapon in your possession or on your person or obtain such an item while you are a guest at the shelter, you MUST surrender the item to office staff immediately.
- Tampering with the Fire Alarm or Security System will result in immediate removal from shelter property.
- Theft of others’ possessions is strictly forbidden. It will not be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from the shelter property.
- Disclosure to staff of any communicable disease such as but not limited to, tuberculosis, hepatitis, measles, chicken pox, STD’S or AIDS and including COVID is required at check-in and if you receive such a diagnosis while you are a guest at the shelter. Failure of complete transparency in disclosing any communicable disease may be immediate dismissal from the shelter property.
- Guests are not allowed to tamper with the mail and if a guest is caught, they will be dismissed from the shelter by the Administrator or the Executive Director.
Meals are provided in the Dining Hall as follows:
- Breakfast is served daily at 7:00 AM. Doors will be closed at 7:15.
- Lunch is served daily at 12:00 noon. Doors will be closed at 12:15 PM.
- Dinner .is served daily at 5:00 PM. Doors will be closed at 5:15.
- Bag lunches are provided to all children of working parents and verified workers. Please plan to pick up any lunch prepared for you by assigned office staff.
- Prescription Medications: All prescribed medications must have guests’ name on the label, the physician’s name and dosage should be clearly displayed on the label. All prescriptions must be turned into the staff at check-in.
- Contaminated Body Fluids: There is a Contaminated Body Fluids Spill Cleanup Kit available in the Shelter’s office bathroom.
- In the event of a bodily fluids spill, this kit must be used. Rubber gloves are also available in the office and must be used when cleaning up any such spill.
- Removal of all such waste must be placed in a sealed plastic bag and disposed outside in the Shelter’s waste dumpster on the Baker St. side of the building.
- Bed Bugs: The Shelter has a check-in procedure to prevent the entry of bed bugs. The Shelter also has requirements for guests and visitors’ daily re-entry to the Shelter to prevent the entry of bed bugs. All guests and visitors are to observe these procedures.
- Cleanliness & Pests: Food and beverages may not be brought into the Shelter by guests or visitors except as specifically authorized by the Executive Director or staff in his absence. No food or beverages are allowed in Dormitories, Family Rooms, Dayroom, Computer Room, Respite Room, or Living Area.
- Shelter Issued Linens: The schedule for linen laundry is as follows: Monday for men and family rooms located on the men’s side and Wednesday for women and family rooms located on the women’s side. Bring your Shelter issued bed sheets, towels, washcloths, and pillowcases to the office for inventory before 8:30 AM. Leave your pillow and folded blanket on your mattress. Clean linens in the same quantity as you turn them in will be issued back to you.
- Pets: All pets are prohibited from entering this shelter.
- Monies: Guests are required to report all income you receive and show proof. Guests who are employed are required to submit work schedules and paycheck stubs. You are required to save 80% of all finances, which will be put up for safe keeping. All saved money will be returned to you upon your departure. This money may be used to help resolve your housing crisis. ANY GUESTS WHO IS EMPLOYED OR RECEIVING INCOME THAT FAILS TO TURN IN 80% OF THEIR INCOME. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN BEING DISMISSED FROM SHELTER.
- The Business Manager maintains security of your account and distributes monies as necessary to meet emergency needs only, during the normal and general hours of 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Tuesday through Thursday.
- The Business Manager will return all your saved monies to you upon your check-out or as directed by the Administrator or Executive Director.
- In the event a guest is asked to leave for whatever reason, and they have saved monies, the Administrator or Executive Director should be notified to give the guest their saved money.
- Guests who failed to disclose proof of income of any kind. May be dismissed from the shelter.
- Laundry: Guests who are employed or receiving income are responsible for the laundering (washing and drying) of your personal laundry OFF PREMISES, using monies from your 20% expendable income.
- Electronic Devices: Guests are allowed to have their cell phones in their room. However, guests are restricted from using their cell phone anywhere else within the shelter. Use of their cell phone is limited to within the guest’s room, or outside of the Christian Shelter. Use of personal electronic devices such as tablets, radios, computers, iPods, CD players, portable TVs, etc. are restricted within this Shelter. All such items must be given to the office staff at check-in and each day at re-admittance.
- Thereafter, your property will be returned to you each day upon your departure from the Shelter or upon your check-out.
- The showing of videos, playing of CDs or other entertainment systems on Shelter equipment shall require prior viewing and approval by either a Board Member, staff, or the Executive Director prior to its viewing/use by guests or volunteers.
- Gambling: Gambling and any type of ADULT card playing are strictly prohibited in the shelter or on shelter property.
- Pornography and Occult: Pornographic materials (such as adult magazines, etc.) and/or occult materials are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated if found or discovered.
- Using Other Food Ministries: While a guest, you may not obtain food assistance from Salisbury Urban Ministries or any other such sources.
- Destruction of property: Any guests that willfully destroy shelter property will be asked to leave immediately and will not be allowed to return under any circumstances.
- Hair Dye: Guests are not allowed to use any type of dye in their rooms.
A copy of these rules is available in each Dormitory and Family Room for your convenience and referral. You will be asked at check in read and then sign these rules and statements. Click here to download or print the House Rules and Agreement of Understanding.
Get in Touch
Christian Shelter
334 Barclay Street
Salisbury, MD 21804
Hours of Operation
Open daily for intakes
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.